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Delaware Assistive Technology Initiative

. . . bringing technology to you

AT Messenger Logo - Bringing Technology to You

Vol. 11, No. 1: Winter 2003
(Distributed as Vol. 10, No. 4)

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Report on Unmet AT Needs
Headed for Dover

In the waning hours of the Delaware General Assembly’s last session, the Delaware Assistive Technology Policy Committee was established. The Committee’s charge was to examine and report on the need for personal mobility and vehicular transportation technologies in Delaware. Because assistive technology use is generally not limited to one life domain, the Committee has been looking broadly at the unmet needs for assistive technologies supporting access, communication, self-care, seeing, hearing, recreation, community participation, learning, and working. Public hearings held in early January gave people with disabilities in Delaware a chance to testify about the AT they need and why they haven’t been able to get it. The Committee’s report, due to the legislature in mid-January, will:

We are hopeful that the General Assembly will enact legislation that improves AT access. We are also hopeful that it will support the establishment of a low-interest loan program that Delawareans can access to get the home and vehicle modifications and the AT that they need. For more information, contact Beth Mineo Mollica at the DATI Central Site.

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