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Delaware Assistive Technology Initiative

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AT Messenger Logo - Bringing Technology to You

Volume 16, No. 1, Winter 2008

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In Case of Emergency, ICE for Short

Are you aware that your cell phone can help you in an emergency even if you can't help yourself? There is a movement, of sorts, that seems to be sweeping the nation. This movement began when a British paramedic realized that many people he was serving had cell phones with stored numbers that might be of use in an emergency. However, there was a problem—how would emergency personnel know which number to call?

The idea is for each of us to add one or more emergency contact numbers into our cell phone under the name of "ICE", which stands for "In Case of Emergency." You can have several "ICE" numbers saved in your cell phone: "ICE 1," "ICE 2," and so on. Numbers can also be listed as "ICE" and someone's name (i.e., ICE Dad).

Of course, this practice should not replace other forms of preparation such as carrying medical alert identification with you and informing someone of your plans. You can learn more about ICE on the US government website,, and type "ICE in case of emergency" into the search field. You will find many references to the use of ICE around the country and abroad. Please consider taking steps to ensure that emergency personnel and others will be able to assist you in a time of need.

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